My Hesitant Love for Lana

Lana Del Rey-as a person-bores me to DEATH. The way she sways and slowly blinks, please. Wake me when she’s done performing. But I will damned if I am able to turn off her song “Radio” or “Off to the Races” any time soon. These two songs  are absurdly lovely, and I have honestly not been able to listen to anything else all day.

I can’t really tell if Rey has actually become a sensation. It seems that the months following the internet’s love obsession with “Video Games,” she appeared on Saturday Night Live, and for anybody that watched *and stayed awake during…* that episode, she wasn’t, um, the best act. The media ripped her apart the following day (exhibit A, exhibit B, exhibit C). She looked freakishly beautiful, though, because she always looks freakishly beautiful. No really. Google image “Lana Del Rey” and it’s like Barbie doll 101. So perhaps once I took her image away from the music she was creating, I better realized how much I appreciate it. It really is beautiful.